Hey all, I am finally here posting. It has sure been a great holiday and I have a million more pictures to share, but I wanted to post about this first.
As we were flying from Florida to New York, gabe fell fast asleep in my arms and I
couldn't help but just stare at him for the longest time.
"My little boy is 1 today" I kept repeating to myself. "Where did the time go?"
A year ago I was in the hospital waiting for this little boy to come into my life...
into our life. Now he is here and I am afraid the time is just flying by to quickly I have no idea where it went!
I started reflecting on the things he has done this year and the results astounded me! My cute boy has been to 8 states (some multiple times) and 4 countries before he turned the age of 1! No wonder he doesn't sleep well! He has also learned to crawl and then walk, he has 3 teeth (I know, kind of funny but also cute at the
same time!), he can say "mama" "dada" "ba-ba" "ba" (meaning ball) "hi" and "ya", he still LOVES his binkey (much to my detriment) and he has a head of curly
blonde hair that makes all of the other kids jealous! He loves his toys, cousins, friends and absolutely most of all he loves to play with my hair.
Oh how I love this boy!
Also as I was looking at my son I started to think about how he has changed physically as well. He was born with a thick head of dark hair and olive skin. He was so tiny then I truly felt like I was going to break him! Then over the months he started getting bigger and stronger that now he isn't a little boy anymore, he is a
"little man".
I felt like a total baby but I almost started to cry right there on the plane. I am just glad that he is mine and I get to see him every day!
Here are a few pictures that I love from the past year.

2 weeks

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months
He is so cute! I'm so happy your first year was perfect with him! I totally agree that time does fly by, Kyra will be 8 months next week! Holy cow! Anyways, hope you have a great weekend!
That went by super fast! He is such a cutie and your cake turned out awesome. Good job!
Wow, it is weird to think that Gabe was ever that small! Thanks for posting pictures showing how much he has grown. That was really fun to relive the past year and see him grow!
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