So, as the title states, better late then never! The party was 3 weeks ago and I am just now posting these pictures...goodness!

Here is gabe waiting for all of his friends to arrive, he is so happy!

Gabe has finally graduated from Baby Einstein (even though he still loves it) and he is in love with Mickey Mouse Club House! So of course we had to throw a mickey party!

Unfortunately, before all of his friends arrived, he got so tired that he crashed on my bed! HE WAS OUT COLD! We finally had to wake him up half way though so he could enjoy his own party...poor little guy!

His friends were so great in giving him some fun presents! He LOVES all of them, thank you that was so sweet of everyone!

Gabe had a hard time blowing out his candle himself so he asked his friend to help him

"Hum, I think I like it!"

Ok so I had to throw this picture in! I told you he was becoming such a Ham and posing for all of these pictures! But as you can see he fully enjoyed his cake!
Thank you to all who were able to make it, we loved having you!
Sweet! He's caught the Disney bug! It looks like you guys had fun!
It looks like you all had so much fun! Happy belated birthday to your sweet little guy!
That was such a cute party! Boston loved it and couldn't stop talking about it....and from the picture, i think I should prob apologize for him opening gabes presents!!
The party looks great Dayna! Good job! How fun! Alyssa had that same cake for her birthday :) and she loves the Mickey and Goofy toy except she has trouble keeping the turning hand down when trying to turn Hopefully Gabe likes them too! I can't believe how much older Gabe looks already and all that hair my goodness. BTW the frames look great!! I like them and I can't believe you painted your wall red, crazy, but I bet it looks great. You have a good sense of style ;) can't wait to see it!
It was so much fun and everything was perfect!!!
I can't believe he's one already. They grow so fast, savor every minute.
Happy birthday Gabe! They always seem to take naps at all the wrong times...poor little guy!
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