So, I know I have been a blog slacker lately.
I truthfully just couldn't bring myself to blog lately
because every time Gabe nap's lately
I am either doing homework
or working on a FUN NEW PROJECT in our backyard!
(pictures to come!)
So, here is some fun things that Nate, Gabe and I have been doing as of late.

We bought gabe a new toy and he LOVES it!
(despite the way he looks on it right now)

We were trying to hard to keep gabe entertained one night so he wouldn't go to sleep early and so Nate built him this cool fort!

You can't really tell, but he was giggling he loved it so much!

Isn't our little Buster Brown growing up so fast!

This is Gabe by his favorite tree...And my LEAST favorite tree now!
As many of you know or have experienced, he just B-Lines it right to the tree and he starts eating the moss inside of it! So we caught him in the act and you can see that little face of his ready to pounce!

So, he found nate's office and he loves to go inside and then make these crazy faces at us. He thinks it is so funny! (and you can see all of his little finger prints on the glass as well!)

For some reason the song from Oliver comes to mind when I see this picture
"Boy, Boy for sale, he's going cheap....!"

Nate's friend got married in the DC temple and so Gabe and I walked around the town!
The white house was close to our hotel so we just took a fun stroll...It wasn't as big as I thought it was going to be, but still fun!

Arlington Cemetery
This is the grave sight of JFK, Jackie, and their son Patrick.

Here is a fun family picture of us in front of the washington monument.

We are in line to see the declaration of independance!

This is us in front of the National Archives
(where the declaration is held)

We were able to go with nate's sister and brother in law and here is a fun picture of the capitol as we were crossing the street! luckily no cars were coming!

Here is gabe and I in front of Ford's theater where President Lincoln was shot.

Here is the gang taking a break! (with 3 kids....we needed one!)

As we were sitting and taking a break, there were 3 helicopters flying above us and one landed at the white house!
Hello president Obama!

This is us in front of the reflection pond.

It was so hot that it was great to just stick our feet in the pond for a while.

Then finally, the lincoln memorial.
It was such a great trip, even though it resulted in gabe's ruptured ear drum...but it was fun to spend some family time together!
I am LOVING Gabe's long hair. SO SO cute!
Homework? Are you going to school?
Fun pics! I'm glad that despite the ear trauma, you guys had a fun time. :)
what a cute, fun and happy little boy! I love it when they seem like everything is so much fun!
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