breathe dayna, just breathe.....
ok, now, calm down and just write.
I am going to tell you a story. A story that doesn't have a happy ending. A story that makes me so darn frustrated...I can't think straight!
It all started a month ago, almost exactly. 2:54 am I awoke to a terrifying scream coming from gabe's nursery. So I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to his crib not sure what to expect. He was hysterical and burning up. So, I cuddled him, checked his temperature and it came out at 103.2. Nervous, we called the doctor and they said to take him into the doctor first thing in the morning.
So, we did.
But before I took him to the doctor I called my mother in law who is amazing at diagnosing things before they happen and she said "make sure they check his ears."
So, I did.
The sad thing is, my doctor was 'busy' so we went to another doctor in the same clinic. He checked gabe and said that everything was alright, he just has a high fever and his ears are perfect. (exact words)
So, we trusted him and went on our way.
Then, about a week later (and still with a fussy baby this whole time might I add) Gabe started grabbing his ears. I didn't think anything of it because the doctor just said they were fine, so another 3 days went by. Then around 4:15 am we heard another full on cry. So, yet again I rushed into the nursery, cuddled my son, checked his temperature and it was 101.3 and his ears were really red. So, yet again I call the doctor and they said to take him in to get him checked.
And yet again my pediatrician was 'busy' so we went to yet another doctor and he said the exact same thing "his ears are just fine, but maybe rub some cream on them for the next couple days to see if it gets better."
So, we did.
Well, don't worry, I am almost finished. So, since everything seemed to be ok, besides a little fussy baby, we headed off to NYC and Washington DC this past week for a fun little "get away" with nate's sister and brother in law. As we were in DC I look down at my son and saw this:

and to top it off, it got worse!
(this will be graphic so you don't have to read)
there was blood crusted in his ear as well!
so, all I can say at this point is:
This is where I rant. I knew something was up, but they didn't see anything. We went back again yesterday and still my doctor was 'busy' so we went in to yet ANOTHER doctor and finally he said that gabe's ear drum burst.
So, before I really get in to my ranting about stupid doctors and how frustrated I am with all of them, can anyone recommend a GOOD DOCTOR that is not BUSY all the time! I am in search of one ASAP and could really use someone reliable. I mean, I have no Phd but I knew more then they did....goodness!
Poor little guy! When we lived in Lehi I took my kids to Mountain View Pediatrics. It's in Sandy, but I went there growing up and know the Dr. I took my kids to. If he's busy or off or something, they will let you see a different one. I think they have 6 or 7 pediatricians in their office. I don't love Dr. Erickson, but all of the rest of them are great! Dr. Conover is fantastic!!
PS, I had to change my profile name but this is Nate's friend Amber from his mission. Sorry, you're probably wondering who the heck left that comment.
Oh, I'm so sorry! Not fun at all, for any of you guys. We see Dr. Phil Freestone in Orem - who also happened to be in the stake presidency over my dad's BYU ward. Who would have guessed he'd be the doctor on call when "Mouse" was born? Anyway, we've loved him, although we've only had to go in for regular check-ups - no emergencies yet (knock on wood). Good luck!
OH MY GOSH DAYNA!!! Poor little guy!! I'm SO Sorry!! I totally remember him grabbing his ear at our BBQ! That's HORRIBLE!! I don't know any doctors just the one Alyssa goes to, but you already know him. I HOPE you find a good one!!! Hope he gets better!!
We see Dr. Later in Provo and he (we mostly see his PA by choice because she is awesome) is great. They are more than accommodating when it come to sick kids. The couple times we have been worried about Emmalee they have fit us in within 20 minutes.
Good luck and sorry.
Hey Dayna, this is Elisa Thompson! I just linked to your blog and saw this comment...and oh I feel your pain. I've had more than a few frustrating moments with pediatricians. Now I go from Orem up to American Fork to Dr. Wilcox at Utah Valley Peds by the AF hosptial. He's a brother of one of my good friends and I really like him. I've seen a couple of his partners and I've really liked their office.
Oh dear, now I am paranoid that I have missed a poor child with an ear infection. I loved my pediatrician in Provo, Dr. Clayton, but from what I understand he isn't accepting new patients. I wonder what they decided the fever was from? It is an unusual thing for a child to have that high of a fever without a cause. If not the ear then what?
Thats awful. I'm so sorry. My goodness. His poor ear. Just goes to show... a mother knows best.
Just a word of caution: Quinn and Ava both had problems with ear infections and both ended up with tubes in their ears. Tubes were the best thing that ever happened to us, I definitley recommend it even if he has a couple. Dr. Heidi Heras in American Fork did the procedure. We loved her. The problem with waiting for him to have a bunch of ear infections before getting tubes is the anitbiotics. Quinn was always put on antibiotics, and we are now having major problems because of it. If you read my last post on my blog, you will hear my RANTING! He never had another ear infection after he had tubes put in. I would also recommend trying to find a pediatrician with a more natural approach to medicine. They are usually more interested in finding out what is actually wrong, then just treating the symptoms. Also, don't ever be afraid to get a second opinion if you know something is wrong, no one cares more then YOU about your families healthcare. The doctor isn't going to loose any sleep if they misdiagnose you. Sorry, now I'm ranting all over again, this just really hits close to home. Good luck, and let me know if I can help.
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