"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose."
~From The Wonder Years~
In life we do not remember days; we remember moments. That is how I feel when I take a trip with my family. This past weekend we were able to escape for a few days and go to Disneyland just the 3 of us. Disney has always been a part of Nate and my lives and so we wanted to start sharing the "Magic" with Gabe as well.
As we were flying home yesterday I looked over to Nate and asked him what his favorite memories were from this trip. We talked about how excited gabe got when he saw Goofy for the first time and he surprised us both and just pointed and screamed "GOOFY!!!" as clear as day.
We loved his anticipation when we took him on the NEMO ride for the first time and so every time after that he was just so excited to get on the ride because he knew what was coming.
We loved how he just giggled when Nate took him on the teacups multiple times (bless his heart) and how he just couldn't spin fast enough
We loved how were were able to get the Magical Morning Pass 2 days in a row and there was absolutely no on in the park that early
We loved how we took gabe on his first roller-coaster and we were nervous how he was going to take it, but when we got off he ran around to the entrance and got back in line again
We loved how when we saw Mickey Mouse he was SO EXCITED, but the when we got close to take a picture he was so nervous, and then when we left he turned around and kept waving to mickey saying "bye bye! Bye bye Mouse!" (he can't say mickey)
So after all of the exhaustion it takes to bring a 2 year old to an amusement park, we are so grateful for these wonderful memories that we will take with us forever!
Here are a few pictures of our trip. Now, on a side note.....When you are at a Disney park there are certain fashion rules that you just have to throw out the window. I am not going to be running around the park in heels or even designer flats because by the end of the day my feet will be throbbing like you wouldn't believe. NO NO NO...at disney....you wear tennis shoes and loose fitting clothes, end of discussion. So don't mock the outfits ok!

We had to get a picture of MICKEY MOUSE!

Disney has a train that takes you around the entire park and Gabe would always hear it and say "CHOO-CHOO!" So we had to take him on it!

Thank goodness to Nate who is such a trooper, I would say the teacups were one of gabe's top 3 rides that he had to go on over and over. He loved them!

In California Adventure they had this fun playground place for kids to run around and this had a 3 story rope course and gabe thought it was fun to walk with daddy.

Who can resist waiting in a 30 minute line to get that smile?!? Nemo was by far his #1 favorite ride and we had to ride on it every day!

Gabe's first roller-coaster ride. He LOVED IT! At first he was wondering what was going on but he absolutely loved it!

I am nervous for this boy to be tall enough for the big rides because this boy can't get fast enough and high enough! He loved dumbo!

You can't go to a disney park without getting a turkey leg....and gabe just happens to be double fisting it with a churro. Rotten life isn't it!

The first ride we went on when we got to Disneyland. Can we cram anything else into the car? NOPE! My feet were so smashed!
We had a lot of fun and can't wait to go back someday!
SO MUCH FUN! I can't wait for our first Disney adventure. Glad you all had a great time.
Looks like yall had a great time. Glad you were able to go all out before you got sick. No fun being sick but at least not sick there, right? Love you dear!
Hooray for disneyland! I am sure it was an adventure with a 2 year old. :) I am due in a month, it looks like you have a bun of your own in the oven...very exciting!
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