I think that I could just do a continual post named "The Joy of Having A 1 Year Old". Gabe is at such a fun age! He is getting into EVERYTHING. And I mean that literally. He is putting himself into EVERYTHING......

One of his favorite things to do on laundry day is take the hamper and walk around with it on his head! He literally walks EVERYWHERE with it on him!

Another thing he likes to do on laundry day...

I had to take out the toaster which sits on that shelf and he took advantage of the empty space...

This is tight on both sides so he decided he wanted to climb over the towels to get back there and "chill".

I swear I watch him like a hawk! I don't know how he does this so fast!
I know that there are many more pictures I am sure I can post, but man does this boy keep me on my toes! But I sure love him!
What I Have Been doing....
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