Monday, March 22, 2010

My son the squirrel

So, lately I have been missing some things. Well, to tell you the truth, A LOT of things. I swear half of my day is spent finding this item or that not knowing where it could possibly have gone. Well, today was no different.

With Nate being out of town until this friday I thought that I would be productive and start editing Gabe's home videos of when he was a newborn. But there was one little problem with that...I couldn't, FOR THE LIFE OF ME, find the charger for the video camera so I can upload his videos. I searched EVERYWHERE! I even tried the laundry hamper thinking he put it in there, but no luck. I was frustrated because I have been wanting to do this for a year now and I haven't made the time so now that I wanted to, I couldn't! AAAHHHHH!

Then, HOURS LATER, I decided to actually get ready for the day. (a rarity when nate is out of town) and low and behold....I found the charger. And of course, who wouldn't have thought that it was in the drawer in a completely different room with my blow dryer. Goodness!!!! To emphasize this even more, the other day I was looking for my phone. Again I searched EVERYWHERE, even places that weren't Gabriel's "common hiding places" and I couldn't find it anywhere. Then all of the sudden my phone started to ring...where was it?!?!?! IN THE TRASH CAN! GOODNESS! I have lost binkey's, keys, shoes (they were in the bathtub...who would have thought), pens, food, name it, gabe has found a hiding place for it!

Are all children like this!?!?!?!


lynda said...

well, simon takes grandma's rocks and hides them in the sofa cushions, but that's about it. i'm sure it's normal though ;)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That is so funny! What would we do without our kiddos driving us crazy some days. as a mom. Couldn't be better!

Angie said...

I don't know if they all are...but mine certainly is. The trash can is the one that always worries me. :)

Megs said...

Mouse is starting to get into the trash and cupboards now. I'm not looking forward to the day she discovers that the toilet flushes. I just KNOW I'll never see some things again...



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