Juliet Capulet once said "What's in a name?" This question can go a million different ways if you actually think about it. But for me, I think about the name we are given at birth. Unfortunately for me, my name is just simple and plain. I have never been one who was given a "nickname" or I can't abbreviate my name to make it shorter. It is just dayna. (unless you want to call me "day" or "na" but what's the fun in that?) But there are those out there fortunate enough to have a nick name. Even being called "Sam" instead of Samuel is a sort of nickname. For as long as I can remember, I have always called my little sister "bugs". I still to this day hardly call her by her real name, which is Karlee. I simply call her "bugs".
But for my son, he has many nicknames. I call him "buster brown" where a lot of people simply just call him "gabe" "baby Gabe" or "buddy". But there is one name that sticks out more then the others, and that name is Gus Gus, or just Gus. This name was given to him by his Uncle Ben. Gabe shares a special relationship with his uncle ben, even from the very beginning. (now I don't want all of the rest of you to feel left out! HE ABSOLUTELY LOVES YOU TOO!) I have been trying to put a finger on why Gabe just responds to Ben differently, even different then he does with me. Maybe because Ben is so much like Nate that he feels comfortable around him. Or maybe it is because Ben makes some faces while he talks in funny voices to Gabe which makes him laugh...I don't know what it is. But he LOVES him.
Yesterday was proof of that. Nate's parents were in town for a short little while so Gabriel and I went down to meet them at the University Mall to get him an easter outfit. While we were there we were able to meet up with Ben and his fiance Laura. Immediately Ben went straight to Gabriel, swooped him up and did this....

So what's in a name?
Absolutely everything.
I love this post! What an awesome picture!
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