Everyone knows that I am a big disney fan. Maybe fan isn't a strong enough word...I am a fanatic. But recently I have become fond of a movie that I never was to keen on while growing up. That movie is:
101 dalmations
It is an adorable movie with cute characters and I especially like one puppy in particular.
Of course there is rollie who is adorable when he says "I can eat a whole elephant" but although that is a cute comment, there is no puppy like Lucky. After a while I was trying to think about why I like this one puppy above all the other 100....and I think I figured out why.

If you aren't familiar with this movie...lucky is the one RIGHT up next to the TV. Actually, there is another clip that I wanted to get where he is actually standing up with his face next to the tv. I have realized he is my favorite because...

I have him right in my home! Every single time the tv is on, boom he goes straight for the it. As if the screen isn't big enough already, he needs to be a foot away! I do move him away so it doesn't hurt his eyes, but truthfully, sometimes I just sit and watch him as he is there. His face just seems to light up even more knowing he is that much closer to the puppets on baby einstein or Handy Manny and his tools. And when his face does that I know
That I am "lucky" to be his mom.
Yay! I've been waiting for this post. Adorable!
now that's stinkin' cute!
Love it! That's a great picture!
Haha that's hilarious!! That movie was actually one of my favorites growing up along with beauty and the beast. my whole room decor had to be it. I was even sad when I finally had to throw away my huge dalmation pillow. Alyssa watches it all the time :) well along with all the other ones to. Too cute!
I think it's lucky that says "Even my nose is froze" at the end when they are moving through the snow. I love that line. So cute to have a little dalmation at home!
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