I was staining our deck and I went to start cleaning up, and in the 2 seconds it too me to put the tarp away I came back to this.....He spilt the paint everywhere! I had already put him in time out at this point so he is now looking at the paint with a very big crusty on his face!
that mark on the bottom step isn't from me painting it, it is from his BUM! OOHH I was not happy that day, not happy at all! Look at my cement!
I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and it seemed awful quit in the house....
This one is a cute one of gabe. Whenever we go on a walk or play on the swing set he likes to "open the garage" himself. He is so strong!
He also likes to play "hide and seek"
He is starting to climb onto EVERYTHING, so I finally built him an obstacle course in our bedroom so he can have fun
He LOVES to play with toys!
He LOVES to smile
and he ESPECIALLY loves water!
Every day I wake up and think "I wonder what Gabe is going to get into today!"
Such a fun boy!