The other day I was sitting on our couch in the living room working on my computer while gabe was sleeping soundly in the other room during his nap. As I was sitting there I looked up randomly thinking "something feels different..." but I kept typing like nothing was up. Then a few minutes later I thought it again "what is different right now?" Then finally it hit me.
The room was SILENT.
No noise.
No toys.
aaaaaahhhhhh, peace.
Then I started thinking. Who is on the radio now? Would I even recognize any of the songs if I actually turned my radio on? When was the last time I opened my computer and put shuffle on my iTunes playlist?
It took me a couple minutes to figure out why. I love music, I love to sing to the songs (even if I am a little off key!) why don't I play it anymore?
Then it hit me.
My dear sweet little Gabriel came into this world. Some would say that is cause to bring more "pop" music into the home, I would say otherwise. I had heard some people say before I had gabriel that buying toys was a waste of money. Well, that may be so for them, but for me....
All morning
All afternoon
All night!!!
I hear the alphabet, I hear spanish words, I hear london bridges, chop sticks, the banjo, music, music music and more music!

we get crashing blocks

Wagon wheels that need oiling

"farmer toad who plays his banjo to 'she'll be coming around the mountain"

and even though at this moment he is crawling UNDER the table, have no fear a song is playing as he does it!

-Then the song-
"hello, the phone is ringing so I say 'hello'
Goodbye when I'm done talking then I say bye bye"

we have balls being thrown down the stairs, then giggles when he watches me go down to pick them up over and over

But don't worry, we have our quiet moments as well. This is gabe sitting down looking innocent before he decides to throw the ball down the stairs again...

Then when the house seems to be getting quiet and Gabe is NOT asleep...I start to get nervous as well. Here is gabe caught in the act trying to grab garbage bags out of the box and throw them all over the floor....

Also, when the house seems to get quiet, I see him sneaking away to his "hiding places" where he has stashed his binkeys because he knows mommy is trying to get him off of them.

But there is always joy in all of these moments. My favorite is just watching him play in whatever he decides to do. He is such a happy baby that he can play wherever he is. One of his new favorite things is to play by "himself". He thinks he is so funny!
So, despite the fact that as of right now I probably couldn't tell you who the latest crave is in the music industry or if we are in the same car together and you start singing all of the words to a new song and I just sit there pretending to..I wouldn't change it! Bring on the banjo and london bridges! It truly has become one of my favorite things in the world to sit back and watch my son become "Gabriel".
Who needs music anyway right?