Thursday, July 9, 2009


For all of you READERS out there
I know you still exist
PLEASE come to my aid and recommend a good book to me
I am DYING!  
I haven't read for at least 10 months now
because when I was pregnant it hurt my back
and then with a child who doesn't sleep
But now he is taking great naps
and ALMOST sleeping through the night

P.S.  I read anything.  I am not truly fond of the books that I call "self help" but if you found a good one, I am happy to try it!


Heather said...

Have you read Uncle Brad's book yet on the Atonement? I haven't finished it yet, but it's really good!

Unknown said...

Have you read "Three Cups of Tea" yet? If not, you absolutely should. It is great.

Kate said...

I really liked "Atlas Shrugged" (Rand), "Rebecca" (Maurier), "Tess of the D'Ubervilles" (Hardy), or for something light and sweet "The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio: How My Mother Raised 10 Kids on 25 Words or Less" (Ryan)(it isn't a self help book). Top 3 are kind of heavy but really good, and the last one is charming and quick.

Your little boy is adorable!

vanessa said...

I'm reading Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series the first book is City of Bones. It's YA fiction so pretty light, but it's fantasy so it has vampires and faeries, etc. I also enjoyed Hunger Games a LOT! The second book comes out in September I think. You'd like that one for sure. I'm always looking for good books too so I'll be checking your comments to see what other people like!

Sarah said...

I read a lot of Young Adult Lit. because I like to keep up on what my kids are reading. I love the Gideon series. They're are only 2 of the 3 out right now the third comes out in September or October. They are written by by Linda Buckley-Archer. About kids that get caught in a time machine and they get taken back to the 1700s or so. I also love the Uglies series and the Midnighters series both by Scott Westerfeld.



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