My sister, brother in law, and then their 2 kids came into town this weekend and so we had to celebrate! So our artistic karlee bugs made this sign to welcome them.

We thought we would start off the weekend right by having all the girls get their hair done!! Here is Christy modeling her foils.

As the girls were getting their hair done, the guys came down and played mario kart...
of course!

Friday morning we split up again and the girls went to Color Me Mine and the boys went to trafalga to go miniature golfing and they also played on the go-karts! (but since they are guys, they didn't take any pictures)

After that we came back and made sugar cookies! We gave them some dinosaur and princess cookie cutters and we had fun cutting them and also frosting the cookies.

Well, Tyler decided that he didn't want to frost his cookies, he just wanted to eat it! Good thing we took off his shirt!

Then to top the weekend off, nate cooked a fun, authentic Italian dinner for everyone sunday before they left. What a fun weekend.
Oh Dayna, how fun! I'm so glad you were able to spend a whole weekend with your entire family!!
My mouth was watering when I saw this picture. Nate's Italian is SO GOOD! BTW I had a dream the other night that I was cooking for you guys but I had discovered a way to cook everything so Nate wouldn't need any insulin shots. Yeah...I'm still working on that one. I've been reading up on cooking for diabetics lately and now I'm having crazy dreams. LOL I guess you guys just have to come visit!
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