My best friend since I was little is an amazing photographer and so she came over and set up shop in my parents living room to take pictures of Gabe

Here Emily and I are just having fun setting up

Here she is setting up the lighting and nate is getting the "model" ready for pictures

There are so many fun pictures of that night, but I didn't want to bore you (and some of the other ones are coming soon in a baby announcement) Don't I have a cute baby!
These are wonderful. Congrats again! Tell Nate hi and give Gabe hugs from us.
Yes! You DO have a cute baby!
That last picture totally looks like Nathaniel.
Dayna - I'm so happy for you and your new little family member. He is so cute! I love the pictures!
Simply adorable!
Oh my gosh! He's so dang cute! I'm the luckiest auntie in the whole wide world. He's got serious model potential too. Look at that olive skin!
What a sweet baby! He's adorable.
Honestly....??Words just can't describe how cute he really is. Seriously!! Can't wait to put his picture on our fridge!
Can't wait to see all the pictures! You'll have to show me all of them! HOW CUTE!
So cute!
I didn't know Emily was a photographer! Great pictures you guys! Can't wait to squeeze the little guy in just a few weeks.
Holy stinkin cute little Gabe!!! He is so adorable, i can't even handle it. Man you guys sure did good on him. Can't wait to see him in person
Dayna, I am so glad I found your blog! Your little boy is so adorable. He seems like such a sweetie! I would love to keep in touch with you. I am adding you to my blog list if that's okay, and if you'll email me, I will send you an invite to our blog.
loves, Melissa Hawkins Henderson
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