Here is adee, or adelaide. She is an Austrailian/German Shephard and she is adorable! We chose the name because is it Germanic and also there is a city in Australia called Adelaide so it touched both places she is from!

We were in park city for black friday trying to get some good baby deals and we walked into this adoption pet agency up there "just for fun" and my parents decided they wanted a dog! (yes, I am sure when you first saw this you thought Nate and I bought it....well, we can say we are partial owners of her because we are currently living with my parents, but alas, she is not ours!)

She is only 10 weeks old and such a people dog! She follows us wherever we go, but she knows when it is night time and she needs to sleep! I love this shot of her because it shows how inquisitive she is.

This shot shows off her adorable paws! She is such a fluffy cute dog!

This one is my favorite. It shows her little white "cross" on her chest and then how cute she is! You all have to come over and see her, she is so much fun! (and she is helping me get ready for baby!)
she's darling! Thanks for posting pictures.
Oh my word! I think I am in love... I love puppies almost as much as I love babies! She is adorable!
I almost chocked when you I thought you just bought a puppy.. Not there not the cutest most adorable things on the earth other than babies of course but since I have had my very own puppy and have expierenced what it is like for that past year.. Its not easy!! of course there so fun and your best friend but there seriously like a baby of course not as hard but almost HAHA... She is adorable and I can totally see the german shepherd in her and there amazing dogs!
i grew up with german shepherds. they are the best. i know what place you are talking about at park city. my mom and sister have cried before walking by it.
OOH, SO CUTE! I can't wait to meet her! :)
That first picture is adorable of her. Oh Adee...our lives will never be the same!
so fun!
SO ADORABLE! Having a dog is so fun! And you're right! Practice for having kids!
That is a CUTE puppy. Fun that you get to enjoy her puppy-ness but not have to keep her. You do NOT want a puppy and a new baby at the same time.
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