Every conference sunday my family gets together and makes eggs benedict! Oh, it is such a great tradition! My grandparents have this great recipe and we all just enjoy! YUMMY!

Here my grandparents are fixing the hollinday sauce! That is the best part of the whole thing!

As I was helping cut the muffins for the eggs benedict, nate came up and wanted to take a belly shot!

This one worked out a little better then the other one. Man I am getting big! :)

This is a horrible shot so I don't know why I put it in, but here is the beginning stages of the eggs benedict!

It has become a tradition that we play rock band or guitar hero after the conference sessions are over - what a way to keep the spirit isn't it!

One of nate's favorite songs to do on Rock Band is 'Don't Fear the Reaper' because "he has to have more cow bell!" If you don't know what I am talking about, look it up on you tube!

This is the only instrument that I could play that night because my belly is too big to play the guitar now! (and I don't know the words to any of the songs!) But it was really fun anyway!
Such a cute belly! Will Ferrell would be proud if your baby boy will came out playing more cow bell.
Dayna you are SOOO cute!! You have the cutest prego belly I have seen :D
We need to hang out and catch up before the lil' one is born!
-Heidi :D
you have the cutest belly ever!! I just found out that you moved and I have a thank you card to send ya..send me your new address or text it to me. Having a baby is the best!!
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