This is a picture of how we told Nate's parents what we are having. We wanted it to say "its a boy" but it wouldn't fit on the back! YEA!

Now, there is no mistaking there that it is a boy! When the nurse told us it was a boy, Nate instantly jumped out of his seat, threw his arms up and then yelled "wwaaahhhhhooooooo!!"

This is just a fun profile picture of the babies face. It was fun because as we were watching the baby was drinking the fluids so you could see the mouth opening and closing!
Way to go for the xy Nathaniel... congrats! xoxoxo nate and lar
HOLY COW! Reality just set in a little more for me. Congrats on the boy! Not gonna lie, that is secretly my hope, but I will take whatever. Besides the options are kinda limited, right?
Do you know what else just kicked in? That the sex of the baby is pretty much all on the mans shoulders. That responsibility is a little overwhelming. Think XY, think XY!
hooray! How fun! I have been waiting to see what you were having! congrats guys!
hurray hurray hurray!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you!!
YAY!!! We are so excited for you guys!! I knew it from the very beginning!
Yes! Little boys are so much fun!
Yay! Boys are SUPER fun (and less emotional than girls, from day one!)
Congrats, boys are great (so are girls though too). I love the story of Nate jumping up when you guys found out it was a boy. Too funny. Well I guess he's all set to play soccer.
The Stevulaks
Aww, I'm glad you posted the jersey; I wanted to see it! That's so cool! That ultrasound picture still cracks me up...It's SO CLEAR!!
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