Sunday, August 31, 2008

my 5 1/2 month tummy!

We got out of church today and nate said "we don't have any pictures of your belly!  We should take some!"  So, here they are.  I have to admit, I have really popped out in the past week!  When I found out it was a boy, the baby was only 6 inches long and now the baby is 12!  No wonder I just popped out there!

I am 22 weeks and this girl in our ward is 25 and I am almost twice the size she is!  Man, this baby must be HUGE or I am just gaining a whole lot of weight!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Disney World!!!

This was a bitter-sweet experience for me to go!  On the one side I was so excited to go back to the place that I loved working for and seeing all of the familiar sights, but then it was SO HARD for me not to go on all of the fun rides!  I didn't realize how hard it was going to be for me, but I made it through and LOVED it!  At least I was able to go to fantasmic and eat a caramel apple!

Here is the whole gang in front of the castle!  We had 14 people in our group....but it was fun!

Nate and I in front of epcot, as you see we are all wearing rain poncho's.....YES, we were right in the middle of hurricane faye!  But that meant that not very many people were in the lines!  YEA!

Of course you have to have a turkey leg while you are down there!  It's tradition!

Nate, his dad, and his brothers played this basketball shooting game and they won the 10ft snake!  You should have seen the look on the people's faces when nate brought it through the security line at the airport!  Classic!

Oh, how cute!  (and look at how fat I am getting!  WOW this baby is going to be HUGE!)

We ate dinner in the castle and cinderella was there greeting us when we came in!  

Since I couldn't ride the fun rides, I thought I would take pictures of everyone else on them!  This is on Big Thunder Mountain!

This is our niece and nephew connor and abigail.  They were waiting in line to see toy story characters and this was in the line and we had to take a picture!  

At Hollywood Studios they have a production of Beauty & the Beast and while everyone was on Tower of Terror (my favorite ride) and Rockin' Roller Coaster, I sat and watched this fun show!  It brought back so many fun memories!  I miss this place!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I should have done this 2 weeks ago but I didn't have the pictures!  So here they are!  We had a little party right before we went to the midnight party for breaking dawn and we watched Anne of Green Gables/Avenlea which was a perfect start to our fun night!  

This is at Borders right when we got there that night.  We already had wrist bands so we just showed up in line about 11:45 to wait for the book!  WE WERE SO EXCITED!

This was right next to us as we were waiting in line so we had to take a picture!  I am still hesitant about the movie, but the book was amazing!

WE HAVE THE BOOK IN OUR HANDS!  We have been waiting for this day for a year!  YYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAA!

Friday, August 15, 2008

WE ARE HAVING A..........

This is a picture of how we told Nate's parents what we are having.  We wanted it to say "its a boy" but it wouldn't fit on the back!  YEA!

Now, there is no mistaking there that it is a boy!  When the nurse told us it was a boy, Nate instantly jumped out of his seat, threw his arms up and then yelled "wwaaahhhhhooooooo!!"

This is just a fun profile picture of the babies face.  It was fun because as we were watching the baby was drinking the fluids so you could see the mouth opening and closing!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


We are up in sun valley, idaho right now and we had the fun opportunity to have nate's brother Ben come home from his mission!  here are a few pcitures of the whole family gretting him at the airport!  He looks great!



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