Here nate is in front of la sagrada familia. It has been under construction for at least 80 years and it is still a long way from being done. But the design of this cathedral is not like anything I have ever seen! Antoni Goudi is so creative!

While we were there we went to a flamanco dance! It was amazing how they can have just one person dancing and they can completely entertain you for over an hour! It was so much fun!

Here is montjuic palace. It was GORGEOUS on the outside but they turned the inside into an art museum...if it wasn't modern art I think I would have been more interested in going inside!

Here is a famous building that shows the fun architecture of the streets of barcelona.

Here we are at palace longchampe. As you can tell it was a rainy day but we had so much fun anyway. we were supposed to go and see chateau d'if, but since it was rainy, it was closed! we were so sad!

This is notre dame deliguard. The inside looks like a candy cane, but it is so gorgeous!

As we were walking around we found this fun park and we had to take a picture!

You can't go to florence without seeing the ponte vecchio! Nate was a little disappointed with the shops on the bridge, but it makes a great picture.

Here we are in front of the duomo in florence. We are standing right next to the baptistry and we also got a few fun pictures of the door, but we will spare you all our details on this trip! :)

Here we are at pisa! Look how strong nate and I are to hold it up!

we did a whirlwind tour of pompeii! But it was great to see all of the things that we have learned about all our lives.

here I am next to this guy! It was crazy because I could still see his bones and his teeth!

This is right before we got to positano! That is such a fun city! I wish we could show you more pictures!

We saw this guy who was selling fresh strawberries! THEY WERE SO GOOD!

Here are the 4 of us eating a magnum bar in greece! YUMMY!

We rented mopeds and rode all over the island! It was so windy that my helmet kept falling off! But it was such a fun and GORGEOUS island! All of the white buildings!

This is nate and I in front of the Hagia Sophia.

Here we are in front of the blue mosque and I truly don't remember what pose we were trying to do here! :)

Nate bought 4 jerseys from this guy and they loved him so much for it that they wanted to take a picture with him in their native headwear. (I don't know what they are called....turbans maybe?)

This is the old ruins of Ephesus where they used to hold parliment. It was also the same angle of picture that is in the bible where john the baptist used to teach.

This is the house that Mary, the mother of Jesus, lived her last few years before she died. We couldn't take pictures of it inside, but there are only 2 rooms in there.

Nate's hair looks like the camel's! This poor camel was around 100 years had to be! Poor old thing! But it was fun!

When you go to athens you have to go to the acropolis! Here is a picture in front of the Parthenon. Such a great place!

This is just another angle of the Parthenon. After here, we just walked around the plaka (an old neighborhood) and then we went to the market place. It was a fun, but crazy city.

This is the Rialto Bridge in Venice! Our hotel was right next to the bridge which was a perfect location!

There were so many pigeons in St. Mark's square! We were SWARMED with birds!

What is a trip to venice without a gondola ride? Roberto, our driver, loved to talk to nate the whole time! It was kind of funny because we wanted to have a "romantic" ride, but he was just chattering away!

We went to the top of the alps and it was supposed to be a great view....but as you see in the picture there was PURE FOG!

As we were walking to the little town, this guy drive by and he was so cute we had to take a picture!

This truly is the most beautiful country on earth! The Alps, waterfalls everywhere you look, and so much green! This ended up being nate and my favorite place on the trip!

After we went into the castle, we went onto mary's bridge, but we didn't feel satisfied with the pictures from that angle. So we decided to hike up this mountain and get a better picture.....

So, what do you think of this picture? I feel like it is right next to us!

After neuschwanstein we stayed the night in oberammergau. This place is know for the passion play that they do every 10 years. Unfortunately we missed that, but it was such a fun town to walk around! Also, this is nate and blake enjoying their "pints" at dinner.

Almost every building in this city is painted somehow. That is to add to the effect of the passion play.

This is Old Town Munich. There is a clock just to the left of this picture that went on for 15 minutes! But it was fun to be there.

You can't go to Germany without having a bratworst! We had it in the square in Munich.

This was at Dachau Concentration camp. We have a lot of pictures from here, but it was such a somber place that I am only going put this one on there.

Behind us is the city of Hallstatt. It is so picture perfect here!

We found this fun park in Hallstatt that had a zip line so we had to do it! It was so much fun!

We also went into these salt mines were we got to wear these fun suits! We were pretending that we were mining because, what else would you do when you are in a mine?

This is shronbrunn palace in Vienna. It was GORGEOUS! There were 1440 rooms in there and they were each amazing (even though we only saw about 100 of those!)

Here is our trusty car that we drove over 1000 miles in! We had to give it back in Vienna so this was our parting picture. If you are wondering what blake is wearing, we had to buy a safety vest for if we had to pull over on the side of the road....and I guess he took a liking to it!
PRAGUE, Czech Republic

We had the opportunity to go to the magic flute by mozart. The outside of the opera house isn't anything to write home about, but the inside was amazing! The opera was great as well, if only we knew german!

Here we are in the courtyard at Prague Castle. It was fun, but I have to admit that it wasn't my favorite castle we saw....

we were in the castle in Prague and they had this place where we could shoot a crossbow! Nate did much better than I did!

Here I am....I am glad you don't get to see the after shot! But at least I hit the paper!

Right when we got there we took a metro to Notre Dame Cathedral. Then we walked up to the louvre, onto the champes elysses, and then onto the arch di triumph. It was such a long walk, but it was worth it!

Now, you can't go to france without going to Moulin Rouge! Here I am doing the can can while singing some songs from the movie!

EIFFLE TOWER! What a way to end the trip! A kiss by my amore near the eiffle tower. You have to love this city!
We had so many pictures on this trip (2000 to be exact!) So I just cut it down to a few a country.