We have had so many things going on this past month and I don't have all of the pictures for it yet, but in my lack of time I am just going to say a brief description of the picture and call it good ;-)

Mothers day Nate and Gabe woke up early (or let me sleep in) and they made the most delicious french toast I think I have ever had!

Gabe has a new game he likes to play. Whenever I do the laundry he likes to lay on the floor and I dump all of the clothes on top of him! He LOVES IT!

here he is!

Another thing he likes to do is take his little squirt gun and run around the house chasing us! We get soaked!
We are starting the "good-bye" stage. It is so sad to say good-bye to all of our good friends! I am hoping that it is just a "see you soon!" instead of a "good-bye!"

This makes me happy to see Gabe being so sweet to babies. He is trying to give her the binkey! I know he will be a great big brother!
This next series of pictures I think is so funny! It was kind of windy and Bryan (janel's husband) was taking pictures of us, and for the life of us we couldn't get everyone to look and smile at the camera!

This one is hilarious!

Yep, windy...

This one we were at least looking at the camera....
I am going to miss these girls! Maria, janel, me, and then venna. We have been friends for the past 5 years and I am hoping that we can remain friends forever!