Sunday, December 20, 2009


This is the moment every parent thinks about. "Will my son like Santa?" "Will he cry?" "will he actually sit there and be a good little boy for mommy so she can take a picture?" These are the thoughts that run through your head at this exact moment.

At first there was curiosity. "who are you?" "what is that white stuff on your face?"

Next he got shy.

Then he was done "alright I gave you a minute to take pictures so I am done...ooh, what are those big red things over there? I like those better then santa"

So there we have it. He wasn't a a crying child, nor was he happy to see Santa, he just sat there knowing we wanted to get some pictures of him and then moved onto the next thing. Not bad I guess!

Then here is the whole gang who went to Breakfast with Santa. Gabe does't look too happy, maybe he did like santa after all!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So, it has happened.

My son has turned into a mini me. Now, when it comes to looks, my husband can win that contest HANDS DOWN, but personality....well, I do have to say that I have a few personality traits that are starting to seep through to my son. I truly haven't tried to influence him one way or another, but they just seem to happen.

Today we went to the petting zoo at thanksgiving point. The weather was gorgeous for being december and I wanted to take the last chance to be outdoors before the "real snow" hits in. While we were there we looked at the adorable animals; which by the way gabe has started to really interact with them (as shown from the following 2 pictures).

And once that was through we ventured to the mini houses that are there and that is when it happened. I realized that my son is TOTALLY GQ! Everyone used to tease me when I was little that when a camera or video camera came on I completely turned into this big cheeseball and every picture taken I had to be in.

Well, unfortunately for all of Gabriel's future siblings....he is the same way. What do you think?

I have to admit that my friend who was there with us captured more adorable shots of him, but she hasn't been able to send them to me yet, so these are just the few I took. Isn't he precious! I mean, I didn't even have to ask him to do these poses....he just DID them!

The unfortunate thing though, is when I want to have him pose...he does this. Is it just me? Am I stealing his spotlight or something? Goodness, I just wanted a cute picture with my son, is that too much to ask?

Monday, December 14, 2009


Yes you heard right...reindeer. For FHE last week we invited my parents to come with us to Thanksgiving Point where we saw all of these fun christmas lights and displays, listened to Mannheim Steamroller, drank some delicious peppermint hot chocolate and just enjoyed the snow.

Then, after the fun drive we saw them. Poor little guys. They truly looked miserable standing there in the cold with hundreds of people staring at them and taking pictures. I swear one of them looked like he was falling asleep just standing there. Yes, I am talking about the reindeer. I truly don't think I have ever seen a real reindeer before, only on the movies.

So, here you are, some pictures to enjoy just like we did.

Imagine "Carol of the Bells" playing right here

Then imagine "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"

Here is the end when we say goodbye

Then, the reindeer. My parents are holding Gabe in the corner if you can see them.

What a fun way to bring in the holidays!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Gabe turned 11 months this week. I truly don't know where the time has gone! I feel like life is just one constant roller coaster that as soon as you hit the first down-word motion you zoom as fast as you can and in a million different directions until the ride finally crashes to a stop. That is how I feel about this past 11 months of my Gabriels life. Constant change, constant movement, a whirlwind of new discoveries, expressions and feelings have come and gone in this house hold.

Well, this past month has been no different. I do have to admit this isn't the best footage we have of gabe's "new discovery", there are some that are far better and longer then this, but yet here it is!

Can my son really be walking already?!?!? Yesterday he was walking all over the place without any help. It was incredible! He has been taking a few steps here and there these past couple months, but not until 2 days ago did he really take his first few steps. The crazy thing is, he isn't just walking, he is starting to RUN everywhere he wants to go! HEAVEN HELP ME NOW! Hey, at least maybe now that I have to run to chase him everywhere I can finally loose the last couple pounds I have been wanting too! :-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This past few weeks have been crazy, but fun!!! It started off for us in Seattle last weekend to watch the MLS cup! But before we headed to the game we stopped at Pikes Market to look at the fun place! I LOVED IT!

And while we were there we had to stop at the gum cool but gross at the same time!

Here are some fresh crabs, lobster and shrimp at the market...yummy!

Look at that produce, you can't get better then that! (I wish we had a market like this here)

-WE WON!!!!!!!!!-

Here is the team after they won holding the cup!

Here is my Father and Mother in law celebrating with the team

And of course, we had to celebrate as well!

Nate and Wingert are good friends that nate is actually wearing one of his playing jerseys! He claims it is his good luck charm!


Here are the two cousins playing! Actually, Gabe was just pushing her in the wagon and it was so cute! I just couldn't get a good picture of it...

Here is our table before we added the yummy food! Doesn't it look great?

Here is a picture of Gabe and Nate in their matching Holland soccer jerseys they got that weekend!

Then lastly, I was able to see this amazing play! Everyone has to see it, it was amazing!

We hope you had such a great thanksgiving as well!



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