Monday, November 10, 2008


I feel a little funny posting these pictures, but here they are anyway!  I am 32 weeks or 8 months in this picture.  Only a little ways to go!

I wanted to take some pictures of nate and I with the belly before I got HUGE (I am already heading that direction).  So after my baby shower my mom, nate and I went to this fun place to take pictures!

I figured that I should take belly shots with the first baby because I am going to get bigger and bigger with each additional child, so oh well right!

This is nate's favorite shot.  I felt really funny because they kept telling me to move my head, tilt my arm, and things like that.   It was fun though.

This one is my mom's favorite.  I was looking in the direction of nate, who was also taking some pictures, and my mom got this one.  Man, look at that belly!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


My awesome friends from my ward threw me a baby shower on saturday and it was great!  My sister and sister-in-law are throwing me another baby shower in december so those of you who didn't get invited to this one (you should know who you are!) just know that I am for sure inviting you to that one!

This is me, my mom, venna, and baby evan.  Venna was one of the girls who helped throw the shower for me!  SO NICE!

Here is the group of girls who were still there at the end of the shower.  A few people had to leave near the end but I am so grateful for those who were able to make it at all!  (and for those of you who came who are reading this, thank you!)  The people here are:  Me, Amber Barfield, Amy Rogers (and baby Kaylee), Mary Martha Checketts, Maren Tuker (and baby Evan), Then down below me is Allisan Looman, Janel Francis (who helped throw the shower as well!), Maria Creek (who also helped throw the shower), and Venna Ferguson (who as I said before, helped as well).

Here we are just chilling and talking.

Here Amber, Mary, and Venna are trying to cut a piece of yarn off to guess how big my belly was....Karen Harris and Venna Ferguson were the closest!

The girls also did this really fun thing where they filmed Nate answering these questions, but before they showed the video, they asked us all the same questions and we were to see who got it right.  Mary Martha won!  (she even beat me!  How horrible is that!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


My family always does a Dickens christmas village at our house, but this year my mom and I decided to make mountains for it and put it on a we did!

This is my mom cutting out the "rolling hills" part of the mountains

We put it in the front room, so we have to take out all of the furniture that was in that room and then build this platform to put the houses on!  It kind of looks like a giant stocking.

Here is where I become the assistant and let my mom take over!  She is so good at placing things where they need to go, so I just hand her the pieces....but look at our fun mountains in the back

This isn't the best shot of it, but it gives you an idea of what it looks like......Oh, and the random little tree on a stand will be replaced by the real christmas tree once we go and cut it down  :)

Just picture this with all of the lights off and there is a revolving santa in the back that you can't is amazing!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween!  Nate and I were trying to utilize my belly this year in a fun costume and we thought of this!

Nate was Peter Vankman from the Ghostbusters and I was the Stay Puft Marshmallow man! :)

We threw the costumes together last minute and Nate's was a little snug! :)

I was trying to "get" nate and he was using his special pack to kill me!

Dinner in a pumpkin!  It is a family tradition to cook a meal in a pumpkin and it tastes SO GOOD!

Here is our not so halloweenish table for our dinner in a pumpkin....but it was good and fun!



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