This is nate and I at commencement right after Elder Bednar spoke to us! It was such a great speach!
The big day is here! Both my parents and nate's parents are beaming about Nate's graduation!

We had most of the gang there for graduation. The support of our family is overwhelming! Thank you to those who came! We really appreciated it!

Nate is standing with his parents right outside the Marriott Building.

Here is a 3 generation picture with Nate's Grandpa, Dad, and then him!

Nate next to the Y! Doesn't he look like a graduate! (without his cap!)

This is when they called his name over the loud speaker "NATHANIEL LOWELL CHECKETTS!" YEA!

This is Nate coming off of the stage. Look at the smile on his face! HE IS DONE!

The diploma! He has been waiting a long time for that!

You can't graduate without throwing your cap up in the air and shouting! What a way to end his BYU career!
My family has been planning on going to San Francisco for a while for karlee's "graduation present" and it was spring break as well. So I sent them off tuesday telling them to have fun and I will see them on Sunday. Well, later on that day I just thought....what am I doing this week? NOTHING! So I got a plane ticket and I was off wednesday night to go and celebrate with them in San Francisco! The first day we just went SHOPPING! My goodness I am sure we made a dent in our credit cards! But it was great!

We went to Fisherman's Wart the second day I was there! It is such a fun little pier!

As we were at Fisherman's Warf we found this little place called Krazy Kapps which was REALLY fun! My sister and I were already in a cooky mood and so when my mom joined in the fun, it was great! My mom has a lobster, Karlee a flamingo, and then I just think that my hat looks like something you would find in Dr. Seuss!

Saturday we rented a car and went down the coast. We first stopped in Palo Alto to see Sanford! What a beautiful campus! I will have to convince nate to want to go there instead of Harvard!

This is my mom and dad when we went to pebble beach! My dad was in HEAVEN!

Karlee and I were just pretending that we just hit a ball really far and we were pointing to it! WOW! Look how far we hit it!

You can't make it to San Fran without going to lombard street! I ran across the street to take the picture and my dad waited in the car so he wouldn't get a ticket!

Again, you can't go to San Francisco without stopping a the Golden Gate Bridge!

This is another view of the bridge from a place called Bakers Beach! It is a fun angle to the bridge!

Well, I think I've decided we should change the name of our blog to "Checketts in the Slow lane" or "Checketts, A Medical HIstory Fiasco." I'm partial to the second personally. We know how much you all love seeing our injuries and closeups.
Dayna typically writes these blog entries but I thought I would jump in on the action considering I'm flat on my back with little to do. It turns out that the black and blue ankle previously posted was black and blue for a reason. After hobbling around on it for a week with no dramatic improvement in the "sprain" I decided to swallow my pride and get an X-ray. The doctor's reaction to the x-ray was priceless. He came in asked me to jump up on the butcher paper and started touching my ankle, asking if it hurt. I said it was certainly tender on the outside, but the pain was bearable. To which he responded "Well, its broken, and broken bad I think you are going to need surgery." Turns out I didn't break my ankle but broke my fibula (the smaller of the two leg bones). So needless to say, after several "second opinions" I decided to go under the knife yesterday.
Here's my x-ray of the broken bone. Sweet, no?
Thanks to a good anesthesiologist and some percocet I am doing just fine. I will let Dayna blog about the whole surgery process. She was more coherent than I was during the process.
Thanks for all your concern, prayers, and love. I welcome any and all chocolate chip cookies and any other sympathy gifts you can think of--A Hires Big H doesn't sound bad either.
What I Have Been doing....