Sunday, March 30, 2008

NATE'S HURT FOOT! (This is for you Elizabeth!)

Nate was out playing basketball with some of his friends Friday night and just as he was about to jump and get the ball one of his friends was right behind him and somehow did this!

This picture is comparing the two feet! I think you can tell the difference what do you think?

This picture is just a close up of his foot! It is so bruised! I feel horrible for him! We went to the Real Opener Saturday and we were in a place where we had to stand the whole entire game! I do have to say that I am proud of nate for standing the whole time on his foot! Way to go babe!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Spencer's 30th Birthday Surprise

This is right after he came in and he was so SURPRISED! It was great!

Spencer with his son Connor shocked at all of the people who came to his surprise party! There were about 20 friends there, not including us!

The dinner table at the cabin! It was a perfect table for a party!

Nate and Elizabeth by the food....of course! :) (Actually, I was just there but then took a picture, so I am guilty as well!)

That was one of the best cheesecakes that I have ever had! YUMMY!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


This is my new company logo! They were designed by my business partner's husband, Cameron Creek!  He did such a great job!


GIRLS NIGHT OUT!  Well, it all started when I went up to salt lake city that morning only to find out that my doctor called in sick and that there was no one else there to take out my stitches!  How weird is that!  Anyway, so I had to turn around from SLC and head home only to try to find someone else to take out my stitches...(because the doctor won't be in until next week...hum)  So luckily my good friend Maria Creek is a nurse, so before our girls night out, she started her operation and it was great!  I also had a good audience!
Then after taking out the stitches, we decided to watch the 6 hour version of Pride & Prejudice and we were going to break it up in 2 segments, but we were having so much fun that we stayed up until 2:00 in the morning!  It was great!  I hope we can do it again soon!


My good friend Patience was so cute and sent me this "get well soon" package!  She lives in San Francisco and she even put a fresh batch of Wicked Good Cookies in there for me and they were DELICIOUS!  She is the best!  Also, I had some other great friends make me dinner or breakfast while I was down!  I am so spoiled!  Thank you everyone!



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